3.14! Do you know more of the number than that? Haha I totally don’t but I know there are people that have it memorized! I have never really celebrated Pi Day before this year. I thought about baking a few different pies but I decided making pizza was so much easier & then dinner was covered! I just like that Pi day is all about food! Pizza, pies, anything that is a circle haha!

It was so much fun! All I did was buy the dough that is already made that you just bake & added pepperonis, sauce & cheese! Even though the pepperonis weren’t spaced evenly it was realllly good! And those parts that had tons of pepperonis were sooo good haha. So make a Pi day pizza or a fun shaped pizza like a pumpkin, easter egg or anything else!

We also plan on getting cheap pie at places! Check your local bakeries & pizza joints for Pi Day specials!


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