What do you want to do before you die? My list is soooo long! We spent the day in Salt Lake City with our 2 younger sisters & spent the day exploring & stumbled upon this wall! You know how I love my walls! Well this one was so fun & I love that it was interactive! They had chalk there & you could write something you wanted to do before you die on the wall! It was so inspiring to read what others had wrote & add my mark to the wall! I ended up adding write a book! That is something I want to do really bad & am working on right now! I also want to ride in a hot air balloon, see the northern lights & SO much more! What is on your list?

I loved bring along this Mini Fawn Design bag! I love the Poppy color & it is the perfect size now that Beck is getting older & I don’t have to carry as much. I also like carrying it on my own even when Beck isn’t with me! Beck loves wearing it as well haha! Usually one of my sisters would carry this bag with their polaroid cameras in it & I would carry my original gray sized Fawn! I can’t get enough- I totally want their fawny pack next! I love that all of their products just wipe clean!

Next we headed to The Hall of Breakfast that is happening in Salt Lake right now! I have wanted to go to one of these Insatgram museums for so long haha- it really is a picture paradise! Here are some of the photos of us enjoying ourselves a little too much haha.

The ball pit was hilarious!! There are samples in most of the rooms too which is fun. Beck loved the bacon slide & the giant eggs! It is just a fun place that is all breakfast themed- at the beginning you walk through a cute giant freezer & then the fun just begins! The only thing I wish would have been different was better lighting. There was no natural light & the photos turned out pretty dark & orange but we got some good ones- especially on the polaroid cameras we brought so that was fun!

I just love adventures in local towns experiencing new things! We ended the night trying to help some teenage girls fix their car. Eric figured out the problem but they needed one of their parents to come with an original key since it was a security issue. Eric is the best & helped the girls & calmed them totally down because when we got there sparks were flying! Oh I forgot to ask- what is your favorite breakfast food? Mine is french toast which sadly wasn’t represented in the museum haha.


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