When in Doubt- Pedal it Out!

You are always a bike ride away from a good mood! Seriously I love being outside & I am so excited that this summer we all have working bikes! Also I am excited that Beck loves to ride his bike even if his speed is well a work in progress haha. Last weekend when we […]

Let Freedom Ring!

It’s a party in the USA! I came across this wall & couldn’t resist some pictures! I get asked a lot about where to take photos and find cool walls & one of my tips is auto shops! This wall is on the side of an auto repair shop in Orem, UT! If you want […]

Little Boy Heaven!

I am working on a full Moab blog post- we had such a blast this past weekend! I got a lot of questions on my instagram stories that I can’t wait to answer. But let me just say that Moab has really raised the bar- it is a blast & there is so much to […]

Taco TWOsday Fiesta!

Beck is DOS! We had such a fun party celebrating him & how dang much we love him! Beck LOVES tacos so we had to have a Taco TWOsday party! Well we decided that Beck doesn’t like fiestas haha because his whole party he just wanted to play in the sandbox. He literally didn’t eat […]

Beck is 2!

  Beck is TWO! How can that be?! Oh all the feelings! I am working on his big birthday party post that I can’t wait to share all about the fiesta that we had! I have learned a lot in 2 years of being a mother and let’s just say that my heart has more […]

Live Everyday Like Pretzel Day!

Today- April 26th is National Pretzel Day! I loooove pretzels- they kinda just melt in your mouth! I had plans to go all out today but real life it just didn’t happen. I was planning on making homemade pretzels and using a alphabet cookie cutter set to spell out stuff. I was gone in New […]

Twinner Winner!

April 20th is National Look Alike Day! This is a holiday I can stand behind haha. Mostly Beck just thought it was so funny & cool that he was matching dad. I love these boys! They could have better matching shoes but hey- other than that they are good! I had some similar items to […]

Hoppy Easter!

  Happiest Easter! I hope you had a great weekend with your family & friends. We had the best weekend! This post is kind of a photo journal for all the precious my memories- I don’t want to forget any of it. Saturday so the day before Easter was my birthday! It made for a […]

National Holidays to Celebrate with Kids!

Life needs to be fun! We only get one shot at this thing called life! I have always loved holidays- especially holiday eves! But now that I am a mom I figured we gotta have more fun in our life! I think especially as Beck gets older it will be so fun to celebrate all […]

Fantasy Canyon- a fun Utah day trip!

Can you believe this place is real? Have you heard of Fantasy Canyon? It is a place that is often over looked. Eric has been wanting to go for a long time so when we went to Vernal for the weekend we made a trip to Fantasy Canyon. It is about 45 minutes from Vernal. […]

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