Grow Baby Grow!

Okay maybe the title of this post is deceiving. I don’t want Beck to grow haha just our garden! We didn’t plant a garden last year because Beck was tiny & we just never got around to it. This year we knew we had to plant one! It is nothing fancy & we didn’t start […]

Memorial Day to Remember!

Summer nights. So many wonderful memories come to my mind when I hear the phrase summer nights. A lot of which are filled with family & friends just hanging out outside. It is one of the best things to be doing in my opinion. I love Memorial Day of course because of what it celebrates […]

Our favorite family snack!

I am loving this warm weather! I am already worried that summer is going to go too fast, it always does! I need to make a summer bucket list so we do as much as we can outside as a family! I am so excited to share this amazing company with you because we have […]

Our Bathtime Routine!

Beck is learning so much lately it is crazy & so amazing to watch. The other day he learned how to wash his hands, well mostly he loves turning the faucet back & forth to get more water haha! Whenever you turn on the water in the tub he crawls right over & starts squealing. […]

Lumberjack 1st Birthday Party!

How is my baby ONE?! Time flies & I can’t handle it. This past year has been the best & I have so many sweet memories. Also if I am being honest there are a lot of things I have already forgot from the survival newborn stages. I just want to capture every little moment. […]

How to make mealtime easier for you & your toddler!

Beck is an eater & always has been! But he is messy messy messy! I get so worried feeding him a lot in public & when we are on the go because whatever it is usually ends up all over him. Something that has made my life so much easer & something that Beck can’t […]

Beck’s $7 Easter Basket!

I am a holiday lover but this year for Easter I am taking it kind of easy. I just feel like Easter has crept up on me! I can’t believe it is this weekend! I am not even doing a basket for Eric for the 1st time haha I will again in the future but […]

My Laughter Log

Life is busy. Life is hard. Life has sad times. Life comes with disappointments. We all know this to be true. I feel like lately I have just heard story after story of so many hard things that are happening in people’s lives. Sometimes it seems like life just isn’t going as we hoped & […]


  Saturday was one of those kind of days you always want to remember. A full day filled with the best kinds of things & family! Have you heard of Vintage Whites Market? It is a market mostly filled with vintage goodness that travels to multiple places in the country. Vintage Whites Market in Utah […]

Geocaching 101! Your New Favorite Family Activity!

My parents & my dad especially love finding adventure! I grew up seeking out fun in the most ordinary of places & it is something I have grown to love! I am always willing to find adventure & want to instill this in my children! Even though Beck is so young I like to think […]

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