Home Depot Paint Samples Project

home depot paint samples project

I love paint! A lot of the time I dream of these paint projects and then just put them off forever. I always have painting on my to do list but never quite get to it. But once I go to the store and get the paint then all I want to do is paint […]

How to Arrange a Flower Pot!

how to arrange a flower pot

I am so beyond excited to have my front porch have some life again after a long winter. It feels so good to brighten up this space! I am so excited to share a little about flowers and how to arrange a flower pot! Today I have some tips and tricks I am excited to […]

An Easy Halloween Costume From a Box!

This post is in collaboration with Amazon Prime. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I LOVE Halloween! I also love being a mom to a boy who loves Halloween as much as I do! Beck is so fun and has been loving all things Halloween and pumpkins. Since Beck changes his mind of what […]

Inexpensive Home Update!

As you know we recently moved our home which has lots of windows and natural light. I totally have become a plant lady with all of the natural light in our house and I love it! So I wanted to keep all of the light in our home to keep our moods up and plants […]

3 DIY Ways to Use Essential Oils in Your Home!

Hi friends! How is your 2019?! I am trying to get back into the swing of things after the holidays and am having such a hard time! I haven’t even written out my resolutions yet but I have been thinking a lot about them. I have never been a big oil person but I think […]

Pumpkin Seeds 4 Ways!!

Do you like pumpkin seeds? I love them! Maybe if you don’t like them you haven’t tried them when they are seasoned and yummy! Growing up I loved when we carved pumpkins as a family because that meant pumpkin seeds! I won’t lie it is some work to clean the seeds, dry them and all […]

Travel Globe DIY!

  Okay I am so excited about this post! I have been thinking for awhile how I could have a fun travel countdown- okay that’s not the right word- travel tracker? Basically I wanted a way to keep track of all the places we travel to! So I collect magnets and am getting quite the […]

Taco TWOsday Fiesta!

Beck is DOS! We had such a fun party celebrating him & how dang much we love him! Beck LOVES tacos so we had to have a Taco TWOsday party! Well we decided that Beck doesn’t like fiestas haha because his whole party he just wanted to play in the sandbox. He literally didn’t eat […]

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