So listen to this.. there are fireflies in Utah!! I am an Utah native and I didn’t know this until tonight. Just a few days ago I heard that there are some fireflies in Utah. I saw that there are some in Nibley, Utah. Which is up North by Logan. But you have to pay to see those ones. Also there are only about three nights it happens at the end of June. And I didn’t love the idea of driving home 2 plus hours after seeing them and not getting home until after midnight. So if you are in Northern Utah you might want to look into those ones.
But a friend that I follow on Instagram posted about seeing some in Utah county and I was shocked! I have lived in this county my whole life! I also consider myself a pretty well versed adventurer. So I am always down to try something unique and fun that I haven’t done before. And it was just funny that I had been thinking of fireflies and then there are some in the same county as me!
How to Find the Fireflies in Utah
So these fireflies are located in the town of Spring Lake, UT. Which is by Payson. So if you know where the Payson Latter Day Saint Temple is- then it is just down the road from there. Spring Lake is South of Payson and North of Santaquin. Most of the fireflies are in this fenced field. So please be courtesy of their property! But where you park is at a park.
I couldn’t find the exact address of the park. But if you are headed south- put in the directions to the Payson temple. From there don’t turn off the state road. State road 198. Barely after that you will turn left when you see a pond. There is a gate that is open that says Spring Lake Park.
There will often be people fishing there and it is just a little cute pond area. As you pull into the area you will see a field on your right. It is fenced and there are places to park right in front of the field. Not paved or marked spots- it is dirt. When we went, there were probably 20 other people there so I just asked if this was the right place. Most likely you will see other people there- just ask if that is what they are doing. To watch the fireflies you will be facing South East looking into the field. And the further East we went by the field the more there were. But who knows if that is how it always is.
I have an included a map- I hope this helps!! Luckily Spring Lake is based on this lake and it is just the parking lot by the pond/lake so it is pretty easy to find!
When to Watch
We got there at 9:30 P.M. and they had just started to come out! We stayed until about 10 P.M. and they were still going strong! I am not sure if they go all night? But I would get there around 9:30 and then just stay as long as you want. Seeing the fireflies in Utah would be the cutest date idea. Talk about impressing someone since so many people don’t even know these exist haha. We took our boys but next time I want to go on a date with Eric there and bring some camp chairs and take out. Then just sit and watch them and relax. Honestly it sounds like the perfect summer night to me.
I also am not totally sure how long they last in the season. The ones in Nibley only go for a few days in June. So if I was you- I know they are going now so I would try to go in June. I will go again and update on my instagram stories so be sure to follow along there.
It was hard to get photos but I did get some really good videos. I just had my phone so hence the photo quality in the dark. But you could get really cool photos with a nice camera and a tripod. And I will just say- it is one of those things you need to experience with your own eyes. A magically moment that needs some mental photos. I have seriously had seeing fireflies on my bucket list and I can’t believe it came true in Utah county.
If you have questions leave them here and I am happy to answer them! Please go visit them and see the magic! Especially during this crazy time it brought so much peace and beauty into my life. It reminded me that life is really full of beauty! And I saw that tonight in some little bugs! Have fun finding the fireflies in Utah!
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