I have always loved St. Patrick’s Day even though I hardly own any green haha. I have loved celebrating the last week or so with Beck! I want to share about a fun craft, dessert & breakfast we made to celebrate.

I bought some Lucky Charms cereal a few weeks ago that are just the shamrocks & holy cow Beck loves them! He has been climbing the pantry to try to get to them haha. It only seemed fitting that we have a fun sugary breakfast using Lucky Charms. I just added some green food coloring to the pancake batter & topped them with whip cream & cereal. I think we have started a new family tradition. Oh and yes Beck loves to have his digger help him eat but hey whatever works!1

I decided to make a treat for a class I teach so I figured I should make something festive. I made these cupcakes & they were so fun & yummy! I bought shamrock cupcake liners at Hobby Lobby & I loved the extra fun they added. Hobby Lobby always has festive cupcake liners so I figure I have to use liners anyway I might as well make it more festive. I topped them with some cream cheese frosting that I added green coloring to- & totally couldn’t get it a good shade of green- I wish I would have made the frosting blue or something. I bought this rainbow candy, mini marshmallows, Rolos & gold sprinkles. I dipped the Rolo candy in frosting & then sprinkles. The rainbow & the marshmallows for clouds just stick right in the frosting. It was fun to have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Making this hat craft was not only easy but fun! I bought some big popsicle sticks & glued them together & then painted them green. I found out it was much easier to glue them together before painting them. I added a small piece of a dowel to the back so that you can hold it up as a hat. I found some fun festive paper & made it look like a buckle. It made for the perfect craft & Beck thought it was so funny haha.

Do you have any fun St Patrick’s Day traditions? Do you make Green Eggs & Ham? I love to hear new ideas for ways to celebrate!


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