Have you been to Moab? We love it so much! I will share with you our favorite place to camp-Ken’s Lake! When it is hot there is water & it has the prettiest background. I love the red rock! We stay at Ken’s Lake almost every year & this year we brought our bikes. We have searched long & hard for a good bike trailer- & we have found one that we LOVE! Beck loves it too & always asks to go for bike rides haha it’s so cute!

Hamax is a Scandinavian brand but don’t worry they ship to the contiguous US for free! I found them online & knew this was the bike trailer of my dreams! What I love most about this bike trailer is that it rides so smooth. There is a suspension system that is great- Beck seriously ALWAYS wants to go on bike rides which we love & our family has definitely taken advantage of this summer. We have biked to the Farmer’s Market multiple times & it is seriously a blast. When you are done using the bike trailer it collapses down small & makes it easy to store which I love since we don’t have a garage.

My favorite thing about Hamax is the amazing accessories they offer. Not only are they super cool but they are easily interchangeable and so it isn’t a big deal to switch stuff around. We have the jogging attachment that is pictured below & it is great. I love that I can just jog around the neighborhood & keep Beck happy. It doesn’t matter what we are doing with the trailer- Beck just loves it all haha. We also have a storage carry case & a rain cover that I am excited to try out! We opted for the 2 seat Outback trailer since we know we want to have more kids soon. It has been fun for Beck though to have a friend ride around the neighborhood with him too. I am excited to have a trailer that will grow with our family & I also love that you can buy a newborn insert to go in the trailer as well. We can also have the trailer be a stroller which is nice to take to the Farmer’s Market or evening walks.

An accessory that we cannot wait to try out is the Outback Skiing Kit! We want to teach Beck to ski this winter so it will be so fun to be able to go cross country skiing & snowshoeing with this attachment. It is super cool & we are so excited to try it out come snowfall.

Oh I also have to mention how much storage this trailer has! I love it. We can carry so much with us & it is the best.

Hamax also sells bike seats & they have fun accessories for those too. I have read online reviews that they are great also! I am so glad I found Hamax- it has made our summer so much more fun. I love that we are always outside doing things & enjoying family time.

Seriously I can’t say enough good things about this trailer. We have been using it for the past 4 months or so & everything has been such high quality & easy to use. I can’t wait to keep sharing as our family uses it & grows. Hamax really is such a great value for all the amazing things this trailer can do. It is the only kid trailer you will ever need!

3 Responses

  1. I really like the ski option this would be great for snowshoeing I will have to check this out. thanks for sharing

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