Have you ever heard of the National Day of Unplugging?  It happens on March 9th – March 10th. It actually occurs from sundown to sundown. If it is too much to think about going a whole entire day without social media then maybe this sounds better. It is still 24 hours but over 2 days- I kinda like that!

What exactly is the National Day of Unplugging? Well let me just tell you how good it can be for your soul! If you go to the Settings in your phone- well at least on an iPhone you can check your battery usage & see what apps are taking the most battery. I was using Instagram & Facebook the most & it was kind of really eye opening to see how much time I am wasting on those apps! Yes sometimes I need to be on Instagram for “work” but I am always checking how my post is doing or dumb stuff like that. What I also found out was how fun it was to open my app at the end of the break & see all the messages & comments instead of just a few here & there if that makes sense!

Anyway back to what we plan to do during our social media break! Beck & I really just are going to spend so much time together & read, play, cook & more! I love the National Day of Unplugging website & all the tips they give you. If you take the pledge online they even send you a cute sleeping bag to keep your phone in. I haven’t gotten mine in the mail yet but I am excited for it. On their website they also have posters you can make that say why you are taking the pledge. I loved reading what people said such as to cherish the moment, to reconnect etc. Even if you don’t unplug during the National day I dare you haha to do it on your own! I think I will do it a few more times before next year when it happens again.

I found 2 books I loved that made me also want to do the unplugged day. I love that there are books out there that show kids how important it is to be unplugged but in a fun day. Both of these books are about robots & Beck loved them! Unplugged just came out a week ago! I am so excited to share it with you! It is such a beautiful book about a robot who sees black & white but once he is unplugged his life is full of color! I also love Doug Unplugged it is about a robot boy who learns how great it is to be unplugged.

Have you ever had a social media fast? How did you go? Did you love it?


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