Happiest Easter! I hope you had a great weekend with your family & friends. We had the best weekend! This post is kind of a photo journal for all the precious my memories- I don’t want to forget any of it. Saturday so the day before Easter was my birthday! It made for a busy weekend but a super fun weekend. Busy fun weekends like this make me excited for the warmer weather & busy weekends- I love them!

Saturday morning we went to breakfast with my family & then we went to the neighborhood I grew up in for the annual egg hunt. My parents live 2 doors away from my grandma & it is a special magical place to grow up. I think she has been doing it for over 40 years- my grandma who we always call Poppy because she dresses up as Mary Poppins at Easter does the best tradition. The neighborhood gathers & my grandpa used to always be Bert the chimney sweep & help bring the kids to my grandma’s house. My grandpa passed away a year and a half ago so my dad stepped in! He is the one wearing the fun beret haha. It was so cute- Beck just grabbed the chain he was carrying & he followed along then the older kids copied Beck. All the kids listen to Poppy tell a story about Hansel & Gretel while the older kids hide the eggs. Then we egg hunt! Beck was kinda not so into it haha he would pick them up then put them back- it was so cute! He also loved putting dirt in his basket- eye roll haha. But he had a blast! A neighbor has bunnies that she brought out & Beck was in love! I know next year Beck is going to be SO into the egg hunt haha!

I can’t believe this was Beck’s 2nd Easter! Since he was born right after Easter he didn’t have his 1st Easter until he was already 1! So any further holidays- will be Beck’s 3rd holiday! I just realized this & it makes my mama heart just want to cry- how is that possible he is that old?!

The rest of the weekend was full of family, food, shopping and LDS General Conference. You can learn more about it here. It was nice to stay in pajamas all Sunday too haha! We spent time with both of our families, ate birthday cake & celebrated Easter. Beck got spoiled & loved all the candy- yikes haha!

It was the best weekend! I am so grateful I was able to spend my birthday & holiday weekend with my sweet family! I hope you all had the best Easter!

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