Meet the Newest Member of our Family!

  Meet Bob Cherrington! Our robot vacuum child haha that’s how much we love our dear bObsweep! He feels like a member of the family especially since he came with a cute card with his stats at birth haha. Beck hasn’t quite warmed up to Bob yet – I guess he loves being an only […]

I’ll Eat You Up I Love You So!

Sometimes when I come up with a theme for something I kind of become obsessed. For Beck’s birthday I became obsessed with all things lumberjack & searched everywhere for it haha he even had plaid shoes! I bought this Max costume from Where the Wild Things Are before I was even pregnant. I got it […]

Brisk Weather & Crisp Sheets!

  Don’t you just love fall weather?! I love the chilly mornings & of course all things pumpkin! I am making a fall bucket list & want to go to all the pumpkin patches! One thing that I have decided has to be a must every fall is halloween skeleton glow in the dark pajamas! […]


What do you want to be when you wake up? But really? I always feel like a new person after a night of good sleep! I can more clearly see my goals & have so much more focus. Tomorrow Sleep has changed my thoughts about bedtime! I mean it! There are times when I hate […]

What’s Yours is Now Mine!

  You know the saying- one woman’s clothes are another woman’s treasure! Haha okay not quite how it goes but same idea! I have looked at so many stores, apps & websites to buy secondhand clothes & not really had much luck. A lot of the time the prices are still high & the pieces […]


Lately I have been really trying to focus on what is important in my life. I have been trying to schedule my time in ways that I can get the most done & also have things done quickly such as housework so that I can spend more time with my family. Beck is growing like […]

More than just a pretty plate!

Something that I will miss most about Summer is being able to eat dinner outside in the backyard! I love going up the canyon or to a park with a picnic to relax as a family. Thinking about the colder weather that will be here all too soon makes me wish sometimes I lived somewhere […]

Be Brave Mamas!

  When I pregnant with Beck I searched long & hard for comfy lounge clothes/pajamas that I could wear around the house. I remember feeling so uncomfortable since I didn’t have any loose clothing to wear as I was healing & loving my fresh new baby. I literally couldn’t find anything in store or online […]

Freedom Tastes Good!

  I wanted to share a quick & easy patriotic dessert! I made these sugar cookies & they got gobbled up soooo fast! They are so yummy & get this… EASY! I used my recipe from this blog post …. which makes the BEST sugar cookies!! Then I used my recipe for cream cheese frosting […]

Our Beach Babe!

At the beginning of the summer I was going to make a summer family bucket list to make sure that we were going to make the most of the summer! Well I never got around to it & summer is half way over… crazy huh?! Well turns out we have been partying every day so […]

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