Collect moments not things!

Since Beck has come into our family I have been trying to simplify my life. I want to be able to easily focus on the things that matter most. I also don’t want to have tons of stuff for Beck to get into! I  recently bought a sign that says collect moments, not things… I […]

land of the free, home of the brave

patriotic decor in april? if you are like eric my husband you may be thinking, holy cow the 4th of july is so far away why is her house already red, white & blue? it may only be april, but think about it, it’s almost may! in may there is memorial day! then a couple […]

baby cherry’s nursery reveal!

Holy cow! They are not lying when they say the end of pregnancy is the longest time of your life! I almost feel like I am in jail and it is almost time for me to get out! Okay it’s not that bad & I am being dramatic but I am so excited to meet […]

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