Pinch Proof

  I have always loved St. Patrick’s Day even though I hardly own any green haha. I have loved celebrating the last week or so with Beck! I want to share about a fun craft, dessert & breakfast we made to celebrate. I bought some Lucky Charms cereal a few weeks ago that are just […]

Pi Day with my sweetie pie!

  3.14! Do you know more of the number than that? Haha I totally don’t but I know there are people that have it memorized! I have never really celebrated Pi Day before this year. I thought about baking a few different pies but I decided making pizza was so much easier & then dinner […]

Unplugged & Happy!

Have you ever heard of the National Day of Unplugging?  It happens on March 9th – March 10th. It actually occurs from sundown to sundown. If it is too much to think about going a whole entire day without social media then maybe this sounds better. It is still 24 hours but over 2 days- […]

Call Me – Beep Me!

  March 7th is Alexander Graham Bell day! On March 7th, 1876 Alexander patented his new prototype of the telephone! I think that the phone is one thing that has changed our lives SO dang much! Perhaps quite a bit more than a lot of other inventions- so many lives have been saved & lost […]

Kid, You’ll Move Mountains!

March 2nd is Dr Seuss’ birthday! He would have been 113 this year! I have always loved Dr Seuss- I mean how can you not?! I think the Grinch is pretty much one of my all time favorites- I even decorate a Grinch corner at Christmas. Every year on Dr Seuss’ birthday it is National […]

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