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I want to share with you about one of my favorite places! Going to the ranch! My great uncle owns a ranch in a little place called Ruby Valley, Nevada! It may be small & there isn’t a lot there but it sure is beautiful!

Imagine the darkest night with the brightest stars filling the whole sky. Then add in coyotes all around you & you just feel like you are a million miles from anywhere else! That feeling happens at the ranch & it is one in a million! The early morning sun shining through your window & cows all off in the distance. Going to the ranch is a blast because it is like American Pickers- there are so many old tractors, cars & treasures. I am not exaggerating either- it is acres of history & cool things you just can’t find anymore. A lot of the time I didn’t even know what the items were but something like an old car filter can be beautiful out in the desert.

My uncle is 92 & still works so hard! He is full of amazing stories & we even got the chance to go see his & my grandma’s ranch they grew up on & heard so many memories. It was fun for Eric to show him his drone & his mind was a little blown thinking about how you could use a camera to see all of your farm. Family is where it is at & I loved spending time with mine at the ranch. We played games, spent time with extended family, looked for cool rocks, ate treats, rode so many tractors & had the best weekend getaway. Beck is even more obsessed with John Deere & I think he may ask Santa for anything John Deere.

Do you have a place you like to go to like the ranch?

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